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The Business of HR

Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 9:00a - 4:30p

Atlanta, Georgia

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Training Objectives

Most HR organizations think of themselves as a support function and not in terms of a business, but the reality is the HR function is competing with the P/L units you support for organizational resources.  It is this lack of business preparedness that is a root cause of HR ineffectiveness and sub-optimization.

You know there is an annual budget process, and if you are on a fiscal calendar year, it will be in the Fall. You know there are annual strategic planning events, and again if your organization uses a fiscal calendar year, they will likely be in the Fall.  But can you articulate a compelling business case for the funding and resources HR needs to support the organization and add value to the business?

This HR Boot Camp Covers Five (5) Key Training Objectives:

1. Get Your "Arms Around the Money"

  • How much is the organization spending on people initiatives?

2. Understand the Organization's True Priorities

  • Is there alignment between what we say is important versus where we put resources?

3. Assess Pivot Points

  • Which dollars yield the highest returns?

4. Build a Business Case

  • Why should the organization invest in specific people initiatives?

5. Identify Relevant Metrics

  • Which metrics will prove we are delivering?